In the past twenty years, numerous people have inquired about, and encouraged me to write a book. I felt the time was right because, as mentioned, I am currently being monitored for three small tumors. In May of 2018, the tumors were remaining dormant, but my most recent MRI, on May 12, 2021, detected a very slight increase in size in all three tumors—approximately one-sixth of an inch. The surgeon and I agreed that because there was change, scheduling a yearly MRI for May of 2022 was reasonable. I don’t dwell on this situation because of the minimal change. If there is ever major growth in any or all of the tumors, I will make a decision at that time on what should be done. Thanks to radiation performed by Dr. Jay Loeffler, no tumors have developed in the area that was radiated.
My wish for you is that after reading this book, if life presents you with an unimaginable challenge, you will think of me and remember that with determination, hard work, and God’s help, anything is possible.